Lesley Ann Kirkman | Artist leigh on sea

Thank you for taking the time to look at my website and hope you enjoy my work.

Lesley Ann Kirkman Portfolio

Thank you for taking the time to look at my website and hope you enjoy my work.

A little about me

I am an accomplished artist residing in Leigh-on-Sea.
  My creative journey began at home, inspired by my father who was a very talented artist. 

I draw inspiration from my surroundings and my artistry is focused on capturing the beauty of impressionist landscapes.
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I love colour and see the world through the wonderful hues and tones that nature provides us with.

Landscape woodland

Latest paintings

Below are some of my latest paintings, please click on the image to view.
Commission artwork

Commission a painting

If you like my style of painting and wish to commission an artwork please contact me via this website detailing the type of painting you would prefer. Please give a description of the piece of artwork you have in mind, size, framed or unframed, colour palette and style, either abstract, impressionism or realistic.

I will then confirm back to you a price for the artwork and timescale.
Contact me

The modern artist is working with space and time, and expressing his feelings rather than illustrating.

Jackson Pollock
@copyright 2021 lesleyannkirkman.co.uk